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The following maps were used as a basis for the preliminary environmental analysis of Visión: Frontera.  This information should be useful for future researchers and planners on Rancho San Eduardo. These image files are very large and are not available online. (Small JPGs are included below for your reference.)
Map Theme Map Name
Geology Carta Geológica 
Villa Hidalgo G14A17, 1979
Soils Carta Edafológica
Villa Hidalgo G14A17, 1978; Colombia G14A27, 1978
Vegetation/Land Use Carta de Uso del Suelo y Vegetación
Villa Hidalgo G14A17, Colombia G14A27

Source: Secretaria de programación y presupuesto, Coordinacción general del sistema nacional de información, Dirección general de Estudios del Territorio Nacional, San Antonio Abad No. 124 Mexico 8 D.F.

Geology - Villa Hidalgo G14A17

Vegetation and Land Use - Colombia G14A27

Soils - Villa Hidalgo G14A17


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Prepared by the Community and Regional Planning Program, University of Texas at Austin, Spring 2000