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Tornado Rock

For Your Ears Only!

...auf die Ohren! The Stuff is mp3pro. Every standard winamp can play it, but if Y'all want the whole deal, You need the mp3pro-plugin.

 Intro: The Tornado
(1:50; 0,7 MB)

 The Bitch Out of Hell
(3:52; 1,6 MB)

 What Realy Rocks
(4:58; 2,1 MB)

Especially for Y'all, here's our latest song, the one, that brought us on the tracklist of the  Heimat-Sampler , the one, that brings up our (not so) long forgotten past, shocking AND true (and in German)!

(3:06; 1,4 MB)

Server too slow?
You also can download our stuff at mp3.de and track4.de!
Rather live?
No problem, here are our concerts cumming up.

There You can also get our CD. Or You simply order it by email, € 5 plus shipping/handling (€ 2).